Managed warehousing speeded up process of returning goods in e-shop Bosonožka by 65%

Warehouse management

Monthly stocktaking, lengthy processing of returns or receipt and dispatch of goods using pencil and paper. These are problems that the e-shop with barefoot footwear Bosonožka had been resolving before the introduction of managed warehousing. The Brno-based company made the processes in the warehouse more efficient using the LOKiA WMS system, thanks to which it processes returns 65% faster today.

Before deploying the warehouse management system, Bosonožka solved most of the warehouse processes using pencil and paper. The employees checked that the number of received pieces matched the invoice, and those who carried the warehouse map in their heads then went among the shelves to stock the goods. As a result, there were many mistakes, product confusions and, subsequently, complaints. That is why Bosonožka started looking for a solution that would help them with inventory records.

Today, the LOKiA WMS warehouse system and its intuitive control enables Bosonožka to quickly train part-timers and make existing employees 100% substitutable. The e-shop with barefoot footwear no longer has to worry that the performance of the warehouse will be reduced in the event of an absence of more experienced warehouse workers.

Thanks to the digitization of storage processes, Bosonožka got rid of the paper procedure and accelerated the entire process of receiving goods and processing orders. However, it considers the greatest benefit to be the significant acceleration of the return and exchange of goods, which barefoot footwear e-shops often face. The implementation of the WMS system also greatly facilitated the processing of the stocktaking, which now Bosonožka can handle in 2 days instead of the original one month.

You can read the full story of the Bosonožka e-shop here. Moreover, if you too are thinking about streamlining your warehouse operations, don't hesitate to contact us. We will get together and together we will think about which solution is optimal for your company.

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