NPS (Net PromotingScore) is one of the strictest methods of determining customer loyalty. It cantake values from −100 to +100, with any positive result generally considered good.We got a score of 64 in the test, for which we thank our customers.
The NPS calculation methodology is quitesimple. You ask your customers one question – whether they would recommend youto a friend or a colleague. People answer on a scale of 0–10 where
- A rating of 0-6 indicates a disloyalcustomer,
- 7-8 a neutral customer
- And 9-10 a loyal customer.
Finally, yousubtract the percentage of disloyal customers from the percentage of loyalcustomers. Therefore, if you get a positive NPS, it means that mostcustomers rate you on a scale of 7-10. However, the exact interpretation of theresult depends a lot on the industry in which the given company does business.
In the software development market where webelong, the global average value of NPS, according to many foreign sources, is41. A result above 55 is considered very good.
In our research, we found that
- 73% of customers are loyal,
- 18% are neutral,
- And 9% are disloyal.
We thus achieved anabove-average score of 64.
Although the results indicate that we are doingvery well from the point of view of customer satisfaction, we certainly do notclose our eyes to mistakes. Last year, for example, our ORiON suffered atechnical outage, when we were delayed by half a day in sending documents. Thetechnical support of the LOKiA WMS warehouse system, on the other hand, issometimes overloaded, so customers cannot get a quick help at times. We apologize for these complications - weare aware of them and we are working on them.
We repeat the research regularly at thebeginning of each year, because customer satisfaction is key for us. Of course,if you have any problems with our software, please get in touch. Eitherdirectly with your sales representative or with customer support.
Once again, thank you for your trust.