ISIS Information system amongst the best IT products of the year 2010


This year's novelty amongst information systems on the Czech market - Insolvency Practitioner® Information system (ISIS) by CCV Information systems, was selected by experts as one of the best IT products of the year 2010.

It's high ranking amongst the finalists of the competition has only confirmed the right direction of the offered solution ISIS Optimum, i.e. focusing on maximum efficiency and providing of the system in the form of "software as a service."

IT product of the year is a traditional competition, announced by the Czech branch of IDG publishing and organized by the editorial staff of the experts' magazine Computerworld. The most fundamental criterion for moving up in the competition was the assessment of whether or not the competing solution offers a significant comparative advantage to its users.

Information about the Insolvency Practitioner® solution can also be found on the product's web*

*Czech only

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