Dependable archive voted the IT product of the year 2011


Companies more and more realize the importance of rigorous compliance with legally prescribed archiving regulations of electronic documentation combined with the savings brought about by eliminating paper based administration. It is therefore no surprise that one of the first certified solutions for dependable archiving of electronic documentation with references in the commercial sector - the Dependable archive by CCV Information systems - was publicly recognized as outstanding by being one of the finalists of the IT Product of the year 2011 competition. The solution provided as a service which boasts of a wide range of formats enables clients to transcribe necessary documentation, including EDI documents, into legible formats.

The archiving solution from CCV Information systems enables long-term archiving of electronic documentation in a way that ensures their constancy and authenticity in compliance with applicable legislature. While at the same time it provides protection from their loss or unauthenticated access. The solution can be used for archiving any electronic files, the storing longevity of which can be adjusted according to their type. Throughout the whole period of archiving the legibility of the documentation is guaranteed as are the proofs of its originality and provenance. The archive also stores a range of identifying data (metadata), which enables easier search and filtering.

"The right market orientation of the solution that is offered as a service (SaaS), together with the possibility of its expansion by a documentation management application Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010, is confirmed by the award in the category of 'on-line and related services', which has been awarded to the solution and ensured its advancement to the final round of the experts' competition for the best IT product if the year 2011, awarded by the ComputerWorld magazine“, says David Reichel, head of the CCV eBusiness division of CCV Information systems.

Dependable archive of electronic documentation is a solution that is provided as a service (SaaS), oftentimes implemented in combination with the product Microsoft Sharepoint with the possibility of archiving documents safely and directly at the client's location. The archive is independently certified by an audit carried out by KPMG and uses a reporting system, diaries according to file types or issuing office and includes a module managing employed certificates.

It can be easily implemented into the company's information system and configured for automatic archiving of documents or to provide a workflow of documentation. The archived documentation can also be safely accessed via a secured web based application.

Interesting features of the product:

  • accessibility – suitable for all sizes of business from small companies to transnational corporations
  • fast implementation in the form of a service without the need of a large initial investment
  • auditing solution that fully guarantees the compliance with regulations and legislature throughout the archiving period
  • expenses related to date-stamping are covered by the provider
  • it is not limited by a narrow range of documentation formats, it can also transcribe documents, including EDI, into legible form

More about the CCV Dependable archive product

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